DEV LOG #8: game balancing & objectives

Engines of Fury
2 min readDec 14, 2022



Moving fast along the roadmap, so it’s a non-stop buzz in the game development departments. Focus is on balanced & motivating gameplay in our house. Our mission is to deliver thrilling game loops whilst empowering players to own assets & earn rewards while playing.

Watch stream w/ CTO Edvinas to learn all about balance & building the next best game in crypto or catch short here 👇


Objectives are an essential part of the game system as they define victories, progression and in some cases storyline for the players. The right set of in-game goals and milestones guide players through the game loop & provide motivation for clearly stated rewards.

Having a thrilling & well-developed objectives system will make Engines of Fury even more engaging & rewarding to play.

💬 Got questions? Our team is ready to answer of Telegram.


In order to balance out the character’s ability system we have introduced cooldown mechanics.
This will encourage players to strategize more & put more emphasis on the ability choice as it will be on cooldown after use.
What is more, cooldown will also add depth to players’ build as now both factors require consideration: 1 — how good is your ability, 2 — how often you can use it.
Bottom-line: cooldown time puts more emphasis on skill & tactics rather than overuse and spam of abilities.

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All items have 5 different tier models, higher tier — higher power and value to the owner (player). However when creating five types of an item, our game design and art teams have to balance out all features within the tier range to provide balanced and fair play for all tier holders.
Item balance system includes:
- fair ability range set up within 5 tier items
- unique design features for all 5 models of the item.

High five, team! & see ‘ya for next update.

About Engines of Fury

Engines of Fury is the first Web 3.0 post-apocalyptic 3D combat & exploration game. Powered by 1-token deflationary in-game economy where $FURY is at the center of the game with lots of utility & ever-increasing demand.

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Engines of Fury

Delivering a free to play top-down extraction shooter set against the stark, chilling backdrop of a post-apocalyptic dystopia.