October highlights & DEV LOG #6

Engines of Fury
5 min readNov 4, 2022

New tools, game polishing, strong team vibes on EoF channels, Halloween community marathon with 600 USDT prize pool — we were busy!

It’s been an excellent month for Engines of Fury, with plenty happening inside and outside the game. We made further progress in development but more on that soon. Our social channels have been growing constantly and we’re very happy people are enjoying the content that we put out.

So, without further ado, let’s first talk about development.

✅ DEV LOG #6

We’re working hard to bring you the best possible experience in web3 gaming out there & here’s what we’ve been up to lately 👇

MetaMask integration 🔗

Freshly out of the dev department — we have integrated Metamask, which will help us build a bridge between Blockchain ecosystems & smooth gameplay experience.

Custom build ability creation tool ⚙️

Our ambition to deliver a superb web3 gaming experience by making the first 3D MOBA RPG requires us to think outside the box. This time, the development team really outdid themselves by creating a custom ability-building tool for our game designers. (you remember Oleg & Justas right?)

It unlocks unlimited possibilities for our game team to experiment & create various character & equipment abilities.

Players will experience benefits through endless gameplay strategy possibilities that will make gaming what it should be — engaging and fun.

Game optimization update 🎮

Last but not least, the team has been centering most of its attention on game optimization. We’re proud to say that we managed to reduce the memory usage of the game, resulting in an even smoother experience. On top of that, there are zero drawbacks in terms of in-game animations and texture quality.

Video recap HERE


Our social media channels are booming, and the two superstars are Twitch & TikTok. We released our first VFX concept & had a smashing Halloween community event marathon.

Are you up to speed with all the action?

Team vibes on Twitch & TikTok 🕺

Engines of Fury team for the win!

Our colleagues from every department take time out of their day to join community events each week on Twitch & share their work life on TikTok.

In addition, we are having an exclusive face-to-face with the team every week where we talk about Engines of Fury in-depth, share progress updates, or just have plain fun.

We strive to be as transparent as possible, with every department sharing bits of information and know-how with the community. It’s something that gives us immense pleasure and would like to see more of it in crypto gaming (fingers crossed!).

As for TikTok, we reached 21k followers! Thank you all for being with us and watching the behind-the-scenes with the team. Making these is a blast and we’re glad to have you along for the ride.

The first VFX concept release

October was the month when we released the first VFX concept for our NFT item, the Octopus Boots! It’s been fun making the boots and the following cool visual effects (kinda hard to decide which was more entertaining). We kind of wish our regular footwear could do this.


As one of the spookiest places in the Metaverse, we wanted to give our community a Halloween party with a big bang & so we did.

600 USDT prize pool, community events & special reveals!

It’s been a joy watching the community roam around our social channels having a blast, creating art & playing games!

Once again, we have proved to have the most creative & engaging community. Participants of our games & events all did well — let’s share some of the best ones & winners!

🖼️ Spooky Art Contest | 300 USDT prize pool | 3 Winners

This was epic. Honestly champs, you once again wow’ed us.
More than 100 entries & tons of great spooky humor (check out yourselves), it was a challenge to choose only 3, but this is what we voted on:

1st place TW: @J3susD235

2nd place TW: KruhovaKrystyna

3rd place TW: @Charlie776211

🎭 AR Mask Competition | 100 USDT | 2 winners
IG: @mrvikky_93, IG: @jorgeluisn92

🎮 DC Trick or Treat | 150 USDT prize pool | 15 winners
@Riona, @Alldreamscometrue, @Excellord, @Ashley Orevillo, @Yuan Padilla, @Tanguy, @Yesha, @U2Y™, @Ashley Orevillo, @Alicoach, @Jaylor75, @Bcca., @M.Nirob, @zihbirhapp, @dranrebnhoj, @Emochixx, @Nivada, @Shuvro, @elavenski, @KhaleelTahmed, @OnlyTools, @nayibM, @DiptiPande, @Greesymonkey, @$lnroyal, @Florabella202, @Sourov, @Dark Warrior, @Jubair.

🧩Alchemist Lab Puzzle Game | 50 USDT prize pool | 1 winner
TW: @despirit1 & his puzzle piece

That’s all for now, folks. Next month won’t be so spooky, but it sure will be packed with news & updates as we have a lot more prepared. Stay tuned!

About Engines of Fury

Engines of Fury is a duel arena game built on Unity with rich 3D visuals and numerous addictive single & multiplayer gameplay modes.

It has a 1-token deflationary in-game economy where $FURY is at the center of the game with lots of utility & ever-increasing demand.

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Engines of Fury

Delivering a free to play top-down extraction shooter set against the stark, chilling backdrop of a post-apocalyptic dystopia.