Recap: DEV LOG #10 game insights & exclusive updates

Engines of Fury
4 min readMar 15, 2023

Sharing development progress is always fun, but this was one of the best streams ever (some might say 👀). We got to see very exclusive enemy content & detailed examples of how MVP enemies were balanced.

📺 For that tune in: 📺

Otherwise, here’s your recap on community questions👇

Q: What were the latest development team achievements in terms of enemy balance?
- Zilvinas
A: During MVP gameplay testing, the development team noticed that certain enemies needed adjustments to achieve a better balance. As a result, we’ve made changes to the behavior, appearance, or overall feel of some of the MVP enemies. For example, we’ve resized one and transformed another from a melee type to a ranged type to increase the game’s difficulty. Since game development is an ongoing process, players can expect more changes to come in the future.

Concept stage for one of the in-game enemies death VFX.

Q: What new does Laurynas Vainius bring to the team?
- MrTanguy
You might rememer the intro we did to our new Game Producer Laurynas Vainius on Discord.
A: Well, he is really skilled and knowledgeable guy. He studied game design and returned to Lithuania to help gaming in Lithuania grow and joined us. So in short he brings his ideas and his knowledge to help us solve our problems and make sure everything is on time!

Detonating bug explosion VFX.

Q: If someone finds an item combination that is overpowered will you fix it or will you keep it in the game?
- AllDreamsComeTrue
A: It really depends — if you find a good offensive combination it might look really OP, but at the same time someone might find a really good defensive combo and it would absolutely counter the first one. Talking about some “on the edge” cases — we will always keep balancing things and will try to make meta interesting and diverse.

Q: How hard is clearing the MVP from 1 to 10?
- diiiib01
A: Although we become familiar with our own game as we develop it, I would still rate its difficulty around 6 out of 10. However, the experience may vary for each player depending on their skill level. Our goal is to create a game that is easy to understand but difficult to master. The starting areas are designed to help players become familiar with the game mechanics and prepare them for what’s to come, rather than overwhelm them. However, if a player does not actively learn and utilize their knowledge of the game, the difficulty level could easily become a 10/10 on the scale.

Q: What is your process for addressing bugs and errors that are found by players? Will you take actions against players who exploit bugs?
A: Our approach to addressing bugs is two-fold. If a bug is discovered that allows a player to gain an unfair advantage, such as obtaining an item from another player, then we will take appropriate measures against the offending player. However, if a player discovers a bug that allows them to, for example, open a door or defeat an enemy in an unintended way, then we will not punish them for exploiting the bug.

In terms of fixing bugs, we will provide regular updates that address standing bugs, as well as hotfixes to address more critical issues as they arise. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that the game is as bug-free as possible, and we appreciate the help of our community in identifying and reporting any issues that they may encounter.

Q: Will there be invisible enemies and will there be invisibility in the game?
A: As for now — no. The reason is the pace of the game, we want to leave you guys some time to have a chance t react. Invisible enemies would be a bit too op. However, we might come up with something similar along the way.

About Engines of Fury

Engines of Fury is the first Web 3.0 post-apocalyptic 3D combat & exploration game. Powered by 1-token deflationary in-game economy where $FURY is at the center of the game with lots of utility & ever-increasing demand.

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Engines of Fury

Delivering a free to play top-down extraction shooter set against the stark, chilling backdrop of a post-apocalyptic dystopia.