Updated IDO Plans: New Date, Reasons, and Long-Term Benefits

Engines of Fury
2 min readMar 31, 2022

Hello, champions!

IDO is one of the key milestones for any crypto project, and we want it to be successful in every way. Internally, EoF has been ready for this big move for a long time now as we have a strong team that over-delivers on a daily basis and massive backing from top names in the crypto and gaming worlds.

However, some external events are out of our control, so after careful deliberation, we have decided that it is in everyone’s best interest to postpone Engines of Fury IDO. This decision comes down to the poor performance of other IDOs in the last couple of months, overall market sentiment, and the geopolitical situation worldwide.

What’s the new plan?

A New IDO date will be scheduled and communicated in the near future. There are 2 options for it:

Option 1: Market shows strong signs of recovery: We are ready to launch immediately when that happens.

Option 2: Latest possible date for IDO: a few weeks before the PVE game launch in the second half of the year.


Our priorities remain the same — to build the next best game on the blockchain! We are on track with game development, so the IDO postponement won’t affect Alpha launch date.

Postponing IDO is not an easy decision to make, but we know that it will eventually lead to long-term benefits. It means:

  • We take care of our community’s safety and think about how certain decisions could affect their future portfolios;
  • We use the extra time to solidify EoF’s name in the crypto space. We’ve already made new partnerships with even more top investors, guilds, KOLs, and we’ll reveal them soon;
  • All the hype and energy that you guys had for EoF IDO can (and should!) be directed to the upcoming IGO;
  • Narrowing the time gap between IDO and game launch will help to support the price of $FURY tokens as they’ll have immediate utility and use cases.


We know that If we play our cards right, Engines of Fury will become a massive game in the crypto space and beyond. And today is not the day to make rushed decisions — the right play at the moment is to patiently wait for optimal market conditions before launching IDO and revealing all our aces. As for now, it’s time to get back to game development!

About Engines of Fury

Engines of Fury is the first PVE/PVP arena brawler #metaverse with staked fights in a jaw-dropping 3D world. Powered by $FURY

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Engines of Fury

Delivering a free to play top-down extraction shooter set against the stark, chilling backdrop of a post-apocalyptic dystopia.